Family Mediation Blog

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Family mediation scheme to help thousands more parents

Thousands more separating parents will avoid stressful courtroom battles as the Government boosts its landmark family mediation scheme with an additional £1.3 million. From: Ministry of Justice and The Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP Published 16 January 2022 • Extra funding triples investment into Government mediation scheme since launch last year • 4,400 ...

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Today's myth: the mediation process is always the same

One of the great benefits of the mediation process is that it is hugely flexible. This means that it can be tailored to those who are using the process. For example, where a couple have been separated for some time and are now not feeling hugely emotional about the separation, they may be keen to find a resolution to issues so they can move on to t...

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Family Mediation Week – Myth: you can't attend family mediation if you have been a victim of domestic violence

There aren't many hard and fast rules in mediation because each situation is usually unique to its own facts. The key thing to know here is that if you enter family mediation the mediator will set up an initial meeting with each party on their own as a first step. This enables the mediator to get some background information from each person in a sa...

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Two thirds of separated parents say they lacked advice about putting children first during family separation

Two thirds of separated parents surveyed ahead of this year's Good Divorce Week (29 Nov – 3 Dec) said they lacked help or advice about how to put their children first when they split from their partner. If you would like some information on family mediation, please call us today on 01273 694 661 or email us at and we will be very h...

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Extension of mediation voucher scheme is excellent news for families

The Family Mediation Council (FMC) has welcomed the extension of the Ministry of Justice's family mediation voucher scheme. The scheme makes up to £500 available for each separating family which need to make arrangements for children to spend on mediation, helping over 70% of those reach agreement and avoid protracted and stressful court proceeding...

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Voucher scheme paying couples £500 to divorce out of court to be extended

Success of service prompts ministers to double it in size, allowing more people going through separation to access mediation By Charles Hymas, Home Affairs Editor 27 August 2021 • 10:00pm A government scheme that pays couples £500 to divorce out of court has been so successful that ministers are to double it in size.Robert Buckland, the Justice Sec...

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CAFCASS Co-Parent Hub content transferred to CAFCASS website

The CAFCASS Co-Parent Hub has now shut down and much of the content providing advice and support to families who are separating or co-parenting is now available on the Cafcass website in a new Parenting Together section.The new section provides a range of information and educational programmes to help families understand the needs of children when ...

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MoJ seeks views on expanding mediation

The government issued a call for evidence today on how to settle disputes away from court, in a bid to put technology and dispute resolution 'at the heart of the future system'.Over the next eight weeks, the Ministry of Justice will seek stakeholder views on the best ways to settle family, business and other civil disputes without resorting to liti...

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Family mediation – challenges and opportunities

The past year has caused each of us to reflect on what is most important in our lives. Family. Friends. Freedom. It has also made us look forward, to life post-pandemic; and this, along with the pressures of lockdown, home-schooling, and everything else 2020 had to chuck at us, has understandably resulted in lots of couples deciding to go their sep...

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When young children battle anxiety, parents don't need to feel like helpless bystanders by Sarah Ayoub

Tantrums, clinginess and fussy eating could all signal your child's emotional cup is full. Regulation depends on the emotion being validated and then released'Children experience change, adjustment, bodily growth and social issues ... while having no control or decision-making powers, which can see anxiety manifest in their ability to regulate thei...

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The wait for no fault divorce continues

The wait continues The biggest reform of divorce law in 50 years will not begin this year as the family justice community had hoped. The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 - more commonly known as no-fault divorce - is now expected to be implemented on 6 April 2022.In a written response to a parliamentary question, courts minister Ch...

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Getting it Right for Children

'Getting it Right for Children' is a programme that was developed by OnePlusOne to help demonstrate how different ways of communicating can improve your relationship with your ex-partner, and the impact this has on your children. There are four different stories, which you can engage with. Each story has four videos, which show the situation going ...

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